
On this Blog we will dissect a multitude of topics within the Technological and Video Gaming fields. My goal is to further your knowledge on these topics and hopefully learn from you all in the process. Now onto why you clicked on this About page, me!BlogPicAboutop2

You can reach me at my email: NerdNotifications.BlogATgmail.com

Hi There! My name is Joshua! I am 31 and currently a Cyber-security Major, before that I worked for 8 years as an Electronics Technician in the U.S. Military. What in the hell do they do you may ask, well they work primarily with Radios and Radar systems. I also specialized in navigational computer systems and server administration on top of the normal duties. I am an avid gamer and like to think I am pretty good at getting the inside information out of games.

Being in the military has provided me with many things such as traveling to several different countries, sailing through the Panama canal, and exploring almost all of the Caribbean. Not to mention the many friends I have made along the way, I even found my wife while serving.

Hopefully I can provide you with an interesting viewpoint while you are here, Thank you for reading and I hope to read your comments often!


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